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to stick out for

  • 1 stick

    I [stik] past tense, past participle - stuck; verb
    1) (to push (something sharp or pointed) into or through something: She stuck a pin through the papers to hold them together; Stop sticking your elbow into me!) stikke
    2) ((of something pointed) to be pushed into or through something: Two arrows were sticking in his back.) stikke ud
    3) (to fasten or be fastened (by glue, gum etc): He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down; These labels don't stick very well; He stuck (the broken pieces of) the vase together again; His brothers used to call him Bonzo and the name has stuck.) klæbe; hænge fast
    4) (to (cause to) become fixed and unable to move or progress: The car stuck in the mud; The cupboard door has stuck; I'll help you with your arithmetic if you're stuck.) sidde fast; blive hængende
    - sticky
    - stickily
    - stickiness
    - sticking-plaster
    - stick-in-the-mud
    - come to a sticky end
    - stick at
    - stick by
    - stick it out
    - stick out
    - stick one's neck out
    - stick to/with
    - stick together
    - stick up for
    II [stik] noun
    1) (a branch or twig from a tree: They were sent to find sticks for firewood.) gren; kvist
    2) (a long thin piece of wood etc shaped for a special purpose: She always walks with a stick nowadays; a walking-stick / hockey-stick; a drumstick.) stok; -stok; stav; -stav; -stik
    3) (a long piece: a stick of rhubarb.) stang
    - get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    - get the wrong end of the stick
    * * *
    I [stik] past tense, past participle - stuck; verb
    1) (to push (something sharp or pointed) into or through something: She stuck a pin through the papers to hold them together; Stop sticking your elbow into me!) stikke
    2) ((of something pointed) to be pushed into or through something: Two arrows were sticking in his back.) stikke ud
    3) (to fasten or be fastened (by glue, gum etc): He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down; These labels don't stick very well; He stuck (the broken pieces of) the vase together again; His brothers used to call him Bonzo and the name has stuck.) klæbe; hænge fast
    4) (to (cause to) become fixed and unable to move or progress: The car stuck in the mud; The cupboard door has stuck; I'll help you with your arithmetic if you're stuck.) sidde fast; blive hængende
    - sticky
    - stickily
    - stickiness
    - sticking-plaster
    - stick-in-the-mud
    - come to a sticky end
    - stick at
    - stick by
    - stick it out
    - stick out
    - stick one's neck out
    - stick to/with
    - stick together
    - stick up for
    II [stik] noun
    1) (a branch or twig from a tree: They were sent to find sticks for firewood.) gren; kvist
    2) (a long thin piece of wood etc shaped for a special purpose: She always walks with a stick nowadays; a walking-stick / hockey-stick; a drumstick.) stok; -stok; stav; -stav; -stik
    3) (a long piece: a stick of rhubarb.) stang
    - get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    - get the wrong end of the stick

    English-Danish dictionary > stick

  • 2 stick it out

    (to endure a situation for as long as necessary.) holde ud til det sidste
    * * *
    (to endure a situation for as long as necessary.) holde ud til det sidste

    English-Danish dictionary > stick it out

  • 3 jam

    [‹æm] I noun
    (a thick sticky substance made of fruit etc preserved by being boiled with sugar: raspberry jam; ( also adjective) a jam sandwich.) marmelade; -marmelade; marmelade-
    II 1. past tense, past participle - jammed; verb
    1) (to crowd full: The gateway was jammed with angry people.) proppe; fylde
    2) (to squeeze, press or wedge tightly or firmly: He jammed his foot in the doorway.) mase; presse
    3) (to stick and (cause to) be unable to move: The door / steering-wheel has jammed.) blokere
    4) ((of a radio station) to cause interference with (another radio station's broadcast) by sending out signals on a similar wavelength.) forstyrre
    2. noun
    1) (a crowding together of vehicles, people etc so that movement is difficult or impossible: traffic-jams.) -prop
    2) (a difficult situation: I'm in a bit of a jam - I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal.) i knibe
    * * *
    [‹æm] I noun
    (a thick sticky substance made of fruit etc preserved by being boiled with sugar: raspberry jam; ( also adjective) a jam sandwich.) marmelade; -marmelade; marmelade-
    II 1. past tense, past participle - jammed; verb
    1) (to crowd full: The gateway was jammed with angry people.) proppe; fylde
    2) (to squeeze, press or wedge tightly or firmly: He jammed his foot in the doorway.) mase; presse
    3) (to stick and (cause to) be unable to move: The door / steering-wheel has jammed.) blokere
    4) ((of a radio station) to cause interference with (another radio station's broadcast) by sending out signals on a similar wavelength.) forstyrre
    2. noun
    1) (a crowding together of vehicles, people etc so that movement is difficult or impossible: traffic-jams.) -prop
    2) (a difficult situation: I'm in a bit of a jam - I haven't got enough money to pay for this meal.) i knibe

    English-Danish dictionary > jam

См. также в других словарях:

  • stick out for — To insist upon • • • Main Entry: ↑stick * * * ˌstick ˈout for [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they stick out for he/she/it sticks out …   Useful english dictionary

  • stick out for — ► stick out for refuse to accept less than. Main Entry: ↑stick …   English terms dictionary

  • stick out for something — ˌstick ˈout for sth derived (informal) to refuse to give up until you get what you need or want • They are sticking out for a higher pay rise. Main entry: ↑stickderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • stick out for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms stick out for : present tense I/you/we/they stick out for he/she/it sticks out for present participle sticking out for past tense stuck out for past participle stuck out for informal stick out for something to …   English dictionary

  • stick out for — • stand out for • stick out for to be firmly decided not to accept less than one wants, even if it means waiting for it (also to hold out for) …   Idioms and examples

  • stick out for — PHRASAL VERB If you stick out for something, you keep demanding it and do not accept anything different or less. [V P P n] I stuck out for a handsome redundancy package …   English dictionary

  • stick out —  1. Be prominent. Often stick out a mile Be very obvious.  2. stick out for Insist on.  3. stick one s neck out Take a risk. Invite criticism or trouble by being provocative, out spoken, etc …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • stick out for — refuse to accept less than. → the sticks …   English new terms dictionary

  • stick out — *bulge, jut, protuberate, protrude, project, overhang, beetle Analogous words: *extend, prolong, elongate, lengthen: *expand, swell, distend: obtrude (see INTRUDE) stiff adj Stiff, rigid, inflexible, tense, stark, wooden can mean so firm, hard,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stick up for — verb To defend or protect. You really need to stick up for yourself against that bully. Syn: give as good as one gets, go to bat for, stick ones neck out for …   Wiktionary

  • To stick up for — Stick Stick, v. i. 1. To adhere; as, glue sticks to the fingers; paste sticks to the wall. [1913 Webster] The green caterpillar breedeth in the inward parts of roses not blown, where the dew sticketh. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To remain where… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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